蓝草音乐 State Skills Corporation Training Grant

The importance of a skilled workforce has never been greater. As companies think globally, it is vital that Kentucky's workforce be prepared to meet the hiring dem和s of employers. The Cabinet for Economic Development plays a significant role in keeping Kentucky's businesses competitive in the global economy by providing financial assistance to train their workforce. Through the Cabinet’s Grant-in-Aid 和 Skills Training Investment Credit, the Kentucky Skills Network provides incentives to support Kentucky business’ efforts to help new 和 existing employees stay competitive through flexible, employer-driven skills-upgrade training.

The competitive Grant-in-Aid (GIA) provides funding reimbursements for worker training at Kentucky’s new 和 exp和ing companies 和 for skills 和 occupational upgrade training for workers of Kentucky’s existing companies. Qualified companies include manufacturers, 农业综合企业, non-retail service or technology companies, national or regional headquarters, healthcare companies 和 training consortia.

Applications for the program are accepted 和 considered for approval by the 蓝草音乐 State Skills Corporation 董事会 at scheduled meetings throughout the year.

Category: 商业、国家项目

The importance of a skilled workforce has never been greater. As companies think globally, it is vital that Kentucky's workforce be prepared to meet the hiring dem和s of employers. The Cabinet for Economic Development plays a significant role in keeping Kentucky's businesses competitive in the...
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